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How We Do Valentines Day in Paso Robles Wine Country #1

Paso Robles Wine Country’s DNA is magical and romantic in its own right. Add in its fabulous wine produced here by talented winemakers and it only gets better.

J Dusi is one of those special Paso Robles wineries that produces exceptional wine. While this is a newly located winery, the Dusi’s are no strangers to the area and they know their winemaking.

Their family has deep roots in the area going back to the 1920’s. Their winemaker, Janell Dusi, is young and highly gifted. She is the great granddaughter of the original Dusi family who settled here to farm and make wine in the old-world Italian style.

J Dusi Winery's Vintage Truck
J Dusi Winery’s Vintage Truck

When visiting J Dusi recently I noticed a fun crafting project in the tasting room that one of the Dusi offspring produced using recycled corks from the tasting room…appropriate to share with you keeping in mind that Valentine’s Day is around the corner.

J Dusi Winery in Paso Robles Cork Heart
J Dusi Winery in Paso Robles Cork Heart

I must admit that I have nostalgia for corks as some wineries are moving towards screw tops. Next time you pop a cork you might want to savor the moment and recycle the cork into your own project. You still have a couple of weeks to tackle such a project and have it ready for your special someone on Valentines Day in Paso. And you might want to top it off with a bottle of fine wine crafted in Paso Robles.


Watch the video of Janell produced by our dear friend, Dina Mande, of Juice Media


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