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Tag Chronic Cellars

5 Spooky Paso Robles Wines to Savor this October

It’s October, and the wizards are marching in! Pumpkins, ghosts, skeletons and, in Paso Robles Wine Country, the clinking of wine glasses—usher in the age old tradition of Halloween. This year, trick-or-treating may be discouraged, but that doesn’t mean you…

6 Paso Robles Wines to Transition into Fall

You’re probably not ready for a big, rich merlot and a crackling fire, but—if you’re anything like us—you’ve got red wine on the brain. With fall approaching and the first chill of autumn, you’ll want to reach for Paso Robles’…

5 Summer Paso Wine Party Hacks

Everyone’s gathered in your backyard and ready to enjoy the epic flavors of summer. The sun is shining and the grass is green and your nosy neighbor is on vacation (thank goodness). You’ve cued up the playlist with rocking jams,…

Wine Tasting for Introverts

It’s a common conundrum. You love wine tasting rooms and all the sensory pleasures they offer, but you’re not really a “crowds” person. That’s totally OK! It’s not that you don’t like people (you actually just really love your people).…