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Tag Crazy Woman Cellars

5 Paso Blends to Rock Your Fall Palate

Like the perfect Fall cornucopia, blended wines are all about bringing together the right combination of ingredients. When you get the right stuff together—bam! Magic happens. Thanks to Paso’s ever-burning desire to search out new and compelling flavor profiles, blends…

5 Ways to Enjoy Paso Wine More

In this life, there are no guarantees. That’s why in Paso Robles Wine Country, we believe in living life, right now! Why not use the nice table settings or wear the fancy silk dress? More importantly: Why wait to enjoy…

5 Paso Party Wines

Appetizers, party hats and goodie bags—you’re almost set for that party! But hey—don’t forget the wine, friend! Did you know there’s no party quite like a Paso wine party? Not to brag, but that’s probably because Paso Robles Wine Country…

5 Paso Wine Palate Cleansers for 2022

Clean slate, here we come! Sure, we had a lot of good times last year, but we also experienced our fair share of ongoing troubles (I don’t have to tell you—if you’re human, you get it). From making masking up…