Did you know that Italy has a free, 24-hour wine drinking fountain? It’s true! This odd attraction opened this year, much to the excitement of wine lovers across the land. This magical offering can be found along the Cammino di San Tommaso, a route that thousands of tourists travel on their way from Rome to Ortona. All are welcome to partake of this delicious beverage, however, “drunkards” and “louts” are discouraged. Read on for even more hard to believe facts!
1. Not all Wines are Vegan
Wait, say what? No, that’s not a big bottle of red beef blood, but there may be some animal byproducts in your next glass. Why? Well, this is because many winemakers use fining agents in the winemaking process, which are used to remove protein, yeast, and cloudiness. These fining agents may be as strange as bone marrow, milk protein, egg whites, and fish oil.
2. Wine Flavored Kit Kats are Real
Leave it to Japan to create the best (or worst?) thing ever. This candy bar looks exactly like your average Kit-Kat but is reminiscent of merlot mixed with chocolate. You know, it doesn’t really sound half bad. Wasabi? Now that’s a whole different story.
3. Drinking to one’s health started in Ancient Greece
Ever wonder how this trend got started? Well, apparently the Greeks knew the benefits of that nightly glass of red wine way before Popular Science. According to those in the know, ancient Greek parties were incomplete without a toast by the host. This proclamation was always held at the beginning of the party, signifying that the wine was not, indeed, poison. Wow. Tough crowd!
4. Women are Better Wine Tasters
According to scientists, women live longer, deal with stress better, and—gasp—are better wine tasters. This because women have a better sense of smell than do men, which can probably be linked back to the gender’s hunter-gatherer instincts (men killed the wooly mammoth, the women made sure it wasn’t rancid before cooking it; the same goes with picking berries and fruit).
5. People Made Do During the Prohibition
Did you Know?
Rotta Winery is one of the first ever in the Paso Robles area, with history dating back to 1856, when a French immigrant started the business.
Click Here for Mapping and Directions to Rotta Winery
Seven Oxen Estate Wines, Hearst Ranch Winery, Oso Libre, and Rangeland Wines aren’t just fabulous wine producers, they also run cattle and sell the grass-fed meat to their customers and the community.
Click Here for Mapping and Directions to Seven Oxen Estate Wines
Click Here for Mapping and Directions to Hearst Ranch Winery, San Simeon
Click Here for Mapping and Directions to Hearst Ranch Winery, Cholame
Click Here for Mapping and Directions to Oso Libre
Click Here for Mapping and Directions to Rangeland Wines
Eberle Winery is home to an incredible network of underground wine caves, which you can tour during your next visit.
Click Here for Mapping and Directions to Eberle Winery
This blog was written by Hayley Thomas Cain, food and wine writer for SLO New Times and PasoRoblesWineries.net. You can reach her at hthomas@newtimesslo.com or follow her on instagram @flavorslo.
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