Troubadour crooner Jody Mulgrew returns to Sculpterra Winery for a special concert. Jody was featured at this year’s Live Oak Music Festival, and has a new album out, “We Gave Ourselves to Summer”. Tickets are available now at https://my805tix.com/events/in-concert-jody-mulgrew-at-sculpterra
One of the Central Coast’s prolific and talented songwriters, Jody Mulgrew has been accompanying his own unmistakable tenor voice with an acoustic guitar for years, first as the front man for the Johnny Starlings and for almost a decade as a solo artist. On his latest album, “We Gave Ourselves to Summer” Jody Mulgrew has recorded a love letter to his home turf of Morro Bay and some of the sights and sounds of the Central Coast of California: the seagulls, the rolling waves, the beaches at night, and the hills of Santa Barbara. https://www.jodymulgrew.com/
Concert starts at 6pm in the beautiful sculpture garden. Seating provided, OK to bring your own camp chairs. Food for sale. Wine available by the bottle or glass.Sculpterra Winery 5015 Linne Rd, Paso Robles, 805-226-8881.