The evolution of the wine label continued into the 1980’s where wine label designs became modern as market research saw that consumers wanted casual, saucy and bold artwork. Creating the hook for wine lovers became a game of what could pass the great inspection by the TTB which approves over 120,000 labels per year. Intriguing the mind and creating interest for the growing younger market made wine makers get more creative with their product and owners more savvy with the names and look of the wine as well.
Diversity became even more important as the years went by and more and more people became a part of the wine culture that was continuously growing. Brand personality had to appeal to educated customers that now had access to the internet and websites that offered virtual wine clubs, direct to consumer wine buying and information on the wine industry. Wine tasting became a destination holiday and wineries needed to stand out amongst the growing wine trails that tempted the new millennial buying population.
As the competition grew the complexity of the wine label design and the story behind it had to become more unique. Why was the wine the way it was, who made it and how did it become the “image” it was. Simplicity and clean design started to sprout up, diverse ways to display the information and new technology and papers became available. Digital printing and foiled papers emerged, screen printing and other methods were starting to create new and exciting ways to artfully decorate the bottle. The target audience was now a young, tech savvy group that filled in the majority of wine drinkers and the wineries had to market in the $11-$20 per bottle range while still popping out in the crowd.
Now with a production of over 313,000,000 just in California alone, stated in January of 2014 by Wines & Vines, art galleries, wine blogs, websites, wine reviews and other wine minded folks are all focusing on not just the wine but the way it’s marketed, the web design, the name, the concept, the story and the culture that wine has to offer to the consumer. With information and visual imagery at our fingertips, there is no common place wine label that will survive in the growing younger market. The wine label now pushes the limits of composition, dynamic packaging and visual stimulation while delivering exceptional wine to complete the whole experience and reign supreme in the ever growing wine world.
Whether the label is older or new, here is a great video on how to read a wine label so you know exactly what is inside and where it is from…
For Part One of this series please click > HERE