New! Halter Ranch Vineyard and Lone Madrone wineries are on a mission to help save the planet…with baby steps. Instead of paper tasting notes you can use your smart phone or tablet to take notes about your favorite wines while visiting their wineries in Paso Robles. Using your mobile device go to and and scroll down to their “tasting notes” button.
Their wine list is pre-filled. Just click on the wine you love and write your notes. You can send your notes to your email, or to friends.
It eliminates that question most of us have at the end of a fabulous wine tasting day….”Now where are my tasting note sheets?” or “Here’s one, wait, no, that is John’s, not mine.” or “Opps, this one is ripped and has dirty footprints on it.” or “Where is the one I really wanted to keep?”
Problem solved! Earth saved!
If you love a winery and would like them to offer wine tasting notes, let us know and we will get them setup with this handy widget.